Multiple-precision Complex

mpc Type

class gmpy2.mpc(c=0, /, precision=0)
class gmpy2.mpc(c=0, /, precision, context)
class gmpy2.mpc(real, /, imag=0, precision=0)
class gmpy2.mpc(real, /, imag, precision, context)
class gmpy2.mpc(s, /, precision=0, base=10)
class gmpy2.mpc(s, /, precision, base, context)

Return a complex floating-point number constructed from a numeric value c or from a pair of two non-complex numbers real and imag or from a string s made of digits in the given base.

A string can be possibly with real-part and/or imaginary-part (that have ‘j’ as a suffix), separated by ‘+’ and parsed the same as the mpfr constructor does (but the base must be up to 36).

The precision can be specified by either a single number that is used for both the real and imaginary components, or as a pair of different precisions for the real and imaginary components. For every component, the meaning of its precision value is the same as in the mpfr type constructor.

__format__(fmt) str

Return a Python string by formatting ‘x’ using the format string ‘fmt’. A valid format string consists of:

optional alignment code:

‘<’ -> left shifted in field ‘>’ -> right shifted in field ‘^’ -> centered in field

optional leading sign code

‘+’ -> always display leading sign ‘-’ -> only display minus for negative values ‘ ‘ -> minus for negative values, space for positive values

optional width.real_precision.imag_precision

optional rounding mode:

‘U’ -> round toward plus infinity ‘D’ -> round toward minus infinity ‘Z’ -> round toward zero ‘N’ -> round to nearest

optional output style:

‘P’ -> Python style, 1+2j, (default) ‘M’ -> MPC style, (1 2)

optional conversion code:

‘a’,’A’ -> hex format ‘b’ -> binary format ‘e’,’E’ -> scientific format ‘f’,’F’ -> fixed point format ‘g’,’G’ -> fixed or scientific format

The default format is ‘f’.

conjugate() mpc

Returns the conjugate of x.

digits(base=10, prec=0, /) tuple[tuple[str, int, int], tuple[str, int, int]]

Returns up to ‘prec’ digits in the given base. If ‘prec’ is 0, as many digits that are available given c’s precision are returned. ‘base’ must be between 2 and 62. The result consists of 2 three-element tuples that contain the mantissa, exponent, and number of bits of precision of the real and imaginary components.

is_finite() bool

Return True if x is an actual number (i.e. non NaN or Infinity). If x is an mpc, return True if both x.real and x.imag are finite.

is_infinite() bool

Return True if x is +Infinity or -Infinity. If x is an mpc, return True if either x.real or x.imag is infinite. Otherwise return False.

is_nan() bool

Return True if x is NaN (Not-A-Number) else False.

is_zero() bool

Return True if x is equal to 0. If x is an mpc, return True if both x.real and x.imag are equal to 0.


imaginary component


precision in bits


return code


real component

mpc Functions

gmpy2.acos(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return inverse cosine of x; result in radians.

gmpy2.acosh(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.

gmpy2.asin(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return inverse sine of x; result in radians.

gmpy2.asinh(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return inverse hyperbolic sine of x.

gmpy2.atan(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return inverse tangent of x; result in radians.

gmpy2.atanh(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.

gmpy2.cos(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return cosine of x; x in radians.

gmpy2.cosh(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return hyperbolic cosine of x.

gmpy2.div_2exp(x, n, /) mpfr | mpc

Return x divided by 2**n.

gmpy2.exp(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return the exponential of x.

gmpy2.is_nan(x, /) bool

Return True if x is NaN (Not-A-Number) else False.

gmpy2.is_zero(x, /) bool

Return True if x is equal to 0. If x is an mpc, return True if both x.real and x.imag are equal to 0.

gmpy2.log(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return the natural logarithm of x.

gmpy2.log10(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return the base-10 logarithm of x.

gmpy2.mpc_random(random_state, /) mpc

Return uniformly distributed number in the unit square [0,1]x[0,1].

gmpy2.mul_2exp(x, n, /) mpfr | mpc

Return x multiplied by 2**n.

gmpy2.norm(x, /) mpfr

Return the norm of a complex x. The norm(x) is defined as x.real**2 + x.imag**2. abs(x) is the square root of norm(x).

gmpy2.phase(x, /) mpfr

Return the phase angle, also known as argument, of a complex x.

gmpy2.polar(x, /) tuple[mpfr, mpfr]

Return the polar coordinate form of a complex x that is in rectangular form.

gmpy2.proj(x, /) mpc

Returns the projection of a complex x on to the Riemann sphere.

gmpy2.rect(r, phi, /) mpc

Return the rectangular coordinate form of a complex number that is given in polar form.

gmpy2.root_of_unity(n, k, /) mpc

Return the n-th root of mpc(1) raised to the k-th power..

gmpy2.sin(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return sine of x; x in radians.

gmpy2.sin_cos(x, /) tuple[mpfr | mpc, mpfr | mpc]

Return a tuple containing the sine and cosine of x; x in radians.

gmpy2.sinh(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return hyperbolic sine of x.

gmpy2.sqrt(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return the square root of x.

gmpy2.tan(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return tangent of x; x in radians.

gmpy2.tanh(x, /) mpfr | mpc

Return hyperbolic tangent of x.